Many foreign workers decide to work in Canada in the hope of achieving Permanent Resident status, not only for themselves, but also for their family. Knowing that leaving one’s family to work abroad is a tremendous sacrifice for a foreign worker, the Canadian government gives these workers the opportunity to fulfil their dream of reunification and settling into a new country and life through CANADIAN FAMILY CLASS SPONSORSHIP.

What is Canadian Family Class Sponsorship?

The Canadian Family Class Sponsorship Program was created for the specific purpose of allowing for the reunification of foreign workers and their families in Canada. 

It is the ultimate goal of the Canadian government to ensure that all families are kept together whenever possible.

The Five Family Class Sponsorship Programs

There are five programs are Family Class Sponsorship depending upon the person-to-be-sponsored’s relationship with the foreign worker. These programs are…

Spouse or Common Law Partner Sponsorship

There are several options by which an applicant can bring a spouse or common law partner to Canada. One such option is the Federal Spousal Sponsorship, which has two types namely Inland and Outland. These two types have their advantages and disadvantages. The applicant can also check for the Provincial Family Class Sponsorship programs that are available.

It is very important though that the sponsor meets Canada’s sponsorship requirements and the spouse or common law partner meets the eligibility requirements.

Parent and Grandparent Family Class Sponsorship

The Parent and Grandparent Family Class Sponsorship program is one of two ways by which a sponsor can bring his mother and father or grandparents to Canada. However, there is an annual cap on the number of applications that can be accepted. There are also Provincial Family Class Sponsorship programs available for parents and grandparents.

Again, the sponsor and their loved ones must meet sponsorship and eligibility requirements, respectively.

Parent and Grandparent Super Visa

If the sponsor’s application to bring in his/her parent/s or grandparent/s did not make it into Canada’s yearly cap in the Parent and Grandparent Family Class Sponsorship program, another great option is the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa.

In this program, parents and grandparents of foreign workers who have achieved Citizen or Permanent Resident status can come as VISITORS to Canada for a period of up to two consecutive years each time without having to undergo renewal of status. This multiple entry visa is valid for up to 10 years.

Dependent Child Sponsorship

Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents who have a dependent child living abroad can bring them to the country through the Dependent Child Sponsorship program.

In order to be able to sponsor the child, the sponsor should meet the sponsorship requirements while the dependent child should meet the elibigility requirements of Canada.

Provincial Family Class Sponsorship

There are times when certain provinces in Canada will offer the Provincial Family Class Sponsorship program for relatives or friends who might not meet federal program requirements. Because the requirements and terms of these programs are always in flux and subject to change, it is important to explore the qualifications of both the sponsor and the loved one he/she is sponsoring.

Contact our immigration experts at AccessPoint Immigration Services today in order for us to conduct a full assessment so that we can better match you and your loved one against the programs presently available in the country.